賀来賢人 人生一度きり、挑戦し続けた 先に新たな世界が広がる 

俳優・プロデューサー 賀来賢人(かくけんと)


2023年4月28日に劇場版『TOKYO MER~走る緊急救命室~』が公開。2024年には原案・主演・プロデューサーをつとめる『忍びの家 House of Ninjas』(Netflix)が公開予定。


僕は昔から誰かのモノマネをするのが得意だったこともあり、演技はその延長線上だと感じ、徐々にオーディションも受けるようになりました。そして『Little DJ 〜小さな恋の物語』でデビューしたのですが、この作品では監督に言われたとおりに演じることができず、悔しい想いをしました。今までの自分はろくに演技の勉強もしておらず、もっと認められるようになりたいという気持ちが強くなり、俳優としての仕事の向き合い方が変わりました。




『忍びの家 House of Ninjas』という作品で忍者をコンセプトにした理由は、夢を語れる作品、ヒーローものでだれでも楽しめてロマンを感じる作品を作りたいと思ったからです。ある日のこと、子どもと忍者村に行ったときに、子どもが忍者を見て目を輝かせて喜んでいるのです。また、外国人も一様に盛り上がっている姿を見るにつけ、忍者は大人から子どもまで、世界中の人が楽しめるエンターテイメントだと思ったのです。「家族みんなが忍者だったら?」「日本に残された最後の忍者だったら?」と話が膨らみ、忍者が日本を救うというストーリーができあがったのです。



中高生新聞2023年4月1日発刊号 日本大学3年 和田真帆


「忍びの家 House of Ninjas」

日本大学3年 和田真帆/東海大学4年 大塚美咲/中央学院大学4年 田根颯人


Actor, Producer, Kento Kaku 

You only live once, a new world opens up when you keep trying 


Born in 1989 in Tokyo, he debuted as an actor in 2007. He initially played leading roles in films and TV dramas but was unable to make his big break. He spent many years developing his skills in the theatre and in other productions. 

In 2018, the drama in which he acted as the lead role, “Kyo Kara Ore wa!” became a big hit. Since then, he has been performing with a strong presence on TV and in films. 

The film version of TOKYO MER: Mobile Emergency Room will be released on 28 April 2023, and House of Ninjas (Netflix), for which he wrote the story, stars, and produces, is scheduled to be released in 2024. 

Scouted when he was a high school student and entered the entertainment world. Kento Kaku has a wide range of roles, with funny roles such as comedies as his strengths, and he also plays serious roles without any difficulty. 

We interviewed him about his approach to his job and his new challenge as a producer. 

I went to an all-boys school in elementary, junior high, and high school, and my school life was all about basketball. I was scouted in my first year of high school. At that time, I prioritized club activities and didn’t participate in many theatre practices. However, one day, I suddenly decided to go, and although I was nervous, I remember that I enjoyed it even more. 

I had always been good at mimicking people, and I felt that acting was an extension of that, so I gradually began to attend auditions. I debuted in Little DJ – A Tale of Little Love, but I was frustrated because I couldn’t act as the director told me in this film. I had not studied acting well, and I wanted to be more recognized, which changed how I approached my acting job. 

Later, I went on to university, but in my second year, I got a great role, which made me decide to make a living in the entertainment world. Then I decided to quit university. I told my parents that I wanted to quit school because I really wanted to focus on my acting career, and if I could not succeed by 30, I would quit then. My parents must have been worried. However, I felt I had to do my best now that I had said it. When I think about it now, I believe that this was a turning point in my life. I was worried that I would lose my status as a university student, but I chose the world of entertainment with baseless confidence and energy. 

■ The stage that led to creating individuality 

I thought I had no unique personality, but the playwright Yuichi Fukuda changed that when he advised me to “create a weapon .”I spent my days searching for my identity, worrying while watching the comedic actors who created laughs on Mr Fukuda’s stage. 

One day, I received advice about comedy from the actor Ikeda Shigeki, whom I respected. When I followed his advice, the audience laughed. Then I felt that comedic actors do not make people laugh by doing things just to be funny but that making people laugh is a technique. That’s when I started to feel that it was very cool to make people laugh. To be honest, I was a bit anxious when I saw other actors of my generation becoming more and more successful, but I told myself it was okay because I was doing what I wanted to do on stage. Also, I continued to research how to make people laugh on stage. 

Also, I never lost the feeling that I would definitely be successful and get more work, and I think that’s why I’m here now. I am happy now that I could work hard on stage, where I was challenged, and acquire the techniques to make people laugh. 

■Work as a producer – ‘The House of the Ninja’ 

The reason I decided to create my work was because of COVID-19. I was worried about losing my job, and after thinking about it a lot, I came up with the idea of creating my work. That’s when I saw an actor acting as a producer in the end roll of a foreign film. I felt it was the exact thing to do. It took two years to build up the foundations of the project, and now we are in the process of filming. 

The reason why I chose Ninja as the concept for House of Ninjas is I wanted to make a film that could talk about dreams, a heroic movie that anyone can enjoy and feel the romance of. One day, when I went to the Ninja Village with my children, they were so happy to see ninjas with shining eyes. When I saw that foreigners were also excited, I thought that ninjas were entertainment that everyone, from adults to children, from all over the world could enjoy. What if everyone in the family were a ninja?” What if we were the last Ninja left in Japan? The story of the Ninja saving Japan was created. 

■ Complete ‘now’ without regrets 

I believe that students are at a significant time between childhood and adulthood. They think about life, worry, and feel depressed. I hope they struggle and suffer hard during these times, experience many things, and make it through without regrets. 

I think there is destiny, and there must be a reason for everything. That is because I feel nothing in my life has been a waste of anything that has happened to me. Even if I fail, there will come a time when I will be glad that I failed. I am sure that believing in yourself will open up a new world for you. 


翻訳担当:国際基督教大学1年 若生真衣


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