山田孝之 常に刺激を求めた自分の人生、道は無限に広がる


1983年生まれ。99年に俳優デビュー。『世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ』『電車男』『闇金ウシジマくん』シリーズ、『勇者ヨシヒコ』シリーズ、『全裸監督』など、多くの作品で主演を務める。また、クリエイターの発掘・育成を目的とする映画プロジェクト『MIRRORLIAR FILMS』のプロデューサーや監督など、活動は多岐にわたる。












(津田塾大学4年 川浪亜紀)

国立音楽大学1年 岡部満里阿/津田塾大学4年 川浪亜紀/明治学院大学4年 小嶋櫻子/日本体育大学2年 大内貴稀

撮影協力:カメラマン 広田成太


Takayuki Yamada

My life, always looking for stimulation, the road is endless

Born in 1983, debuted as an actor in 1999. He has starred in many films, such as Crying Out Love in the Center of the World(世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ),’ Densha Otoko (Train Man),’ Ushijima the Loan Shark (闇金ウシジマくん)’ The Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King’s Castles(Yusha Yoshihiko勇者ヨシヒコ) series’ and The Naked Director (全裸監督). He is also a producer and director of the film project MIRRORLIAR FILMS, which aims to discover and nurture creators.

Takayuki Yamada acts in various roles, including serious, hard-boiled, and comedy, and is an essential part of the Japanese drama and film industry. Twenty-three years after his debut, he is now an actor, producer, and director. We interviewed Mr Yamada about his roots, his passion for his roles, and his progress so far.

Enjoyment of gaining new things

I used to be a child with a lot of curiosity. On my way home from school, I took the long way around on purpose instead of the same way because I wanted to find a new way to get home. I enjoyed experiencing new things – different and unfamiliar paths and going to unexpected places. I was curious to see and know what was there with my eyes. It’s the same now. I enjoy going into Izakaya(pubs) that I don’t know and talking to people I don’t know in the places I visit. I like spending time with someone else but love going out alone. I enjoy the usual conversations with old friends, but they are not stimulating. When I go into a new environment alone, I talk to people of different ages, genders, and professions, and sometimes, things come up that I wouldn’t think of at all. Sometimes, that gives me an idea for acting, such as how to use pauses that make the other person feel awkward or make facial expressions that make you feel superior, which can be a great way to move the other person’s feelings when acting. I am constantly looking for such stimulation and enjoy it.

“Acting” means “living” someone’s life.

My sister greatly influenced my decision to enter the entertainment industry. I saw my sister on the cover of a magazine, and there was a big reaction in the countryside, so I decided to go to Tokyo and become an entertainer myself, as I didn’t have a dream or a career I wanted to pursue. However, I had never seriously considered acting as a career. At the acting lessons I took for the time being, I was given a rough instruction that ‘you mustn’t be you when you are standing in front of the camera,’ which confused me (‘lol’). I became an actor without knowing what I was doing, but in my second year of acting, I was allowed to participate in a morning drama(Asadora). On my way home, exhausted from performing every day, I suddenly thought, “Acting can be fun.” From that enjoyment, I decided to continue acting. For me, acting is not about ‘doing a play’ but rather ‘living a person’s life’ as a character.
When I am in a role during the filming period, I am not just concentrating and creating a feeling, but I am pretending that in any state of mind, the 38 years I have lived as “Yamada Takayuki” do not exist. I leave my experiences and memories as Yamada Takayuki behind somewhere. Of course, not all of them can be removed, but I think and live as the person who played the role.
For this reason, I cannot hate the role, even if it is a terrible role. When acting, I walk into the life that person has lived and become that person. That is why, no matter how awful he/she is, there is always a reason why it happened. Once I had finished filming, I went straight into another filming. It was a completely different role with a different character, but while I was going through the same process of opening the script and learning the lines, the previous role returned to me with a flash. When I was in my 20s, acting was all joy and all stress for me. I get an offer, and I put a lot of stress on myself to be happy about it and get into the role. Then I feel the joy of making it with everyone else, and then I think and move further to respond differently than I thought I would, and then I get a lot of different reactions from the audience when they see the film. The whole process has been inextricably linked to happiness and stress and has been influenced by it. But now, I know that the created stress can only be resolved there, and I can also see that I don’t have to try to achieve a perfect score of 100. That’s why I also can’t stop doing this job. However, I have been doing the same job as an actor for 23 years, even though I get bored quickly. Although I’m doing the same thing, acting, I also realize that the staff, scripts, co-stars, etc., are always different, which is why it’s so exciting and interesting.

There is a life to be seen by carrying on doing one thing

I would encourage students to keep doing one thing. Now, there are more reasons you can give for quitting. However, I think it would be a waste to leave before you find the actual benefits. The fact that you started can be an experience, but I think it’s better to quit after you have found the good things anyway. There are many things you may not like, but you should try to do whatever you do for at least two years.
Moreover, I feel that you don’t have to think what you’re doing now is the best thing to do. I somehow became an actor and could continue because I liked acting. Instead of deciding to continue acting and feeling like I had to endure it, I could enjoy it at my own pace by creating an imaginary escape route to stay acting until I found something I wanted to do more. Therefore, I want you to create your escape route that way, become irresponsible, and not take on too much. Life will be manageable if you try to continue at your own pace and as much as you can. Please try what you will do in the future with that mindset.

翻訳担当:国際基督教大学1年 若生真衣


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