冨永愛 チャンスが来たときにそれをつかめる自分であれ
17歳でNYコレクションにてデビューし、一躍話題となる。以後、世界の第一線でトップモデルとして活躍。モデルの他、テレビ・ラジオ・イベントのパーソナリティ、女優などさまざまな分野にも精力的に挑戦し、社会貢献活動も行うなど、その活躍の場をクリエイティブに広げている。公益財団法人ジョイセフアンバサダー、エシカルライフスタイルSDGs アンバサダー(消費者庁)、ITOCHUSDGs STUDIO エバンジェリスト。
(津田塾大学3年 宮田紋子)
冨永愛 美をつくる食事 冨永愛著
発売日:2021年12月1日 発行:ダイヤモンド社
Ai Tominaga
Be yourself to grab opportunities when they come
Debuted at 17 at the New York Collections, it became a hot topic. Since then, she has been a top model at the global forefront of the fashion world. In addition to working as a model, she is also actively involved in various other fields, such as TV, radio, event personalities, and acting, and has creatively expanded her field of activities, including social contributions. She is a JOICFP Foundation ambassador, an ethical lifestyle SDGs ambassador (Consumer Affairs Agency), and an ITOCHUSDGs STUDIO evangelist.
Mrs Tominaga has been working on the world stage as a fashion model since she was a teenager. Her activities are not limited to modeling but include acting and being an SDGs ambassador. However, the process has not been an easy one. We interviewed her about her life philosophy, her future vision, and the ethical approach she has taken after becoming a mother, despite the challenges she continues to face.
■Other strengths can make up complexes
I had a complex about being tall. In junior and senior high school, many girls around me tended to look for ‘cute.’ Boys were also attracted to the relatively short and small type of girls. But I was the opposite. At first, I hated myself like that and even thought I wanted to be born again. However, when I discovered fashion modeling and went to New York for the first time, I realized that I had been limited by the world. I saw a wide variety of different ways of being beautiful. There were people as tall as me or even taller, and I felt like I was finally on the same level as them. Even my height, which had made me feel isolated in Japan, where I was ridiculed as a ‘giant’ or an ‘alien,’ became a weapon. I realized that the world is a big place, and even if I feel different from those around me, it can be taken for granted in other parts of the world. I felt strongly that I wanted to compete here. I still wish I could be 155 cm tall. But I believe that other strengths can make up such a complex. As you build up your confidence by developing your different strengths, you will suddenly look back, and it won’t bother you anymore. It is challenging to eliminate a complex, but I think you can make it smaller by building up your confidence.
■You can open the way by keeping trying.
When I was 17 years old, I was really happy when I was chosen to appear in the New York Collections for the first time. I put all my energy into preparing for the day, practicing wearing heels over 10 cm high. However, on the event day, I was not given a gorgeous outfit but trainers and a men’s style outfit. At the time, I felt discriminated against because I was Asian, and it was humiliating. However, the feelings of frustration and anger I experienced at that time and the intense feeling of ‘I will never be beaten’ became an essential motivating force for me to overcome the difficulties in my modeling career later on. In the early days after I started working abroad, there were times when it was hard, and I couldn’t do anything about it. At such times, I often remembered a phrase: “When opportunities come, be the person who can grab them.” It was a phrase from a magazine, but I think it taught me the importance of preparing regularly without losing effort so that I am fully prepared when an offer suddenly comes along. My latest challenge is to return to the Paris Collection after a 10-year interval. It is a world where it doesn’t matter what achievements a person has made, and models can only appear if they are really needed. That’s why it’s worth doing and why it’s so important to do it. I was anxious, but I was able to walk the runway again because I overcame that anxiety by fighting it all the way and stepping over it. Nothing had changed when I walked for the first time in a long time, and I knew this is where I am meant to live.
■An ethical lifestyle makes the richness of spirit.
I have also been involved in sustainable activities, such as being an ‘Ethical Lifestyle SDGs Ambassador’ (Consumer Affairs Agency) and my role as a model. I first became aware of the SDGs when I had a child. I had my son at 23, and this is when I started to think about the responsibility of having another life besides my own. What I eat reaches my son in my belly. I began to take organic food because I wanted to ensure it was as safe and secure as possible. I have also become more conscious of ethical lifestyles, for example, by ensuring that the products I buy daily are as long-lasting as possible. I believe that looking for sustainable activities that you can do in your daily life will lead to a richer mind and, eventually, a more prosperous life. Many students may be spending anxious days with no clear future because of the COVID-19 pandemic. I also have a son in high school, so I often wonder what today’s students feel about their student life. However, I am sure the school teachers are doing their best to do what they can for the students in this situation. Please do what you can now, one by one, and enjoy your short student life.
翻訳担当:国際基督教大学1年 若生真衣