福士蒼汰(ふくし そうた) 全力で向き合う「今」が未来をつくる糧になる

俳優 福士 蒼汰(ふくし そうた)
1993年5月30日生まれ、東京都出身。2011年から2012年に放送された特撮ドラマ「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」で主演を務め、注目を集める。映画「イン・ザ・ヒーロー」「神さまの言うとおり」「好きっていいなよ。」の演技で第38回日本アカデミー賞の新人俳優賞を受賞。Huluで配信中のドラマ「THE HEAD」Season2で海外作品デビュー。
2011年のデビュー以来、数々の映画や人気ドラマで活躍し、幅広い役柄を演じてきた福士蒼汰さん。現在、Huluで独占配信中の、大型国際連続ドラマ「THE HEAD」Season2に出演している。作品の見どころや自身初となる海外作品に対する思い、俳優としての心構えを伺った。
「THE HEAD」は、初めての海外作品への挑戦になります。ずっと目標にしてきたことだったので、お話を頂いたときはプレッシャーもありましたが、それよりも喜びの方が大きかったです。海外作品への出演は、俳優の仕事を始めたときからの夢でした。20代のうちに達成したい目標でもあったので、叶えることができてよかったなと思います。頑張ってきた英語を活かせる機会をいただけたことが本当に嬉しかったです。
小学生新聞2023年9月15日発刊号 立教大学3年 緒方成菜


Actor Sota Fukushi
Facing ‘now’ with the best of power would be the reason for living to create the future
Born 30, May 1993 in Tokyo, Japan. He first caught attention when he played the leading role in Tokusatsu drama “Kamen Rider Fourze” in 2012. He has received the best new actor in the Japan Academy Prize for his acting in the filmes “In the Hero(イン・ザ・ヒーロー)”, ”As God says(神さまの言うとおり)”, and “Say ‘I Love You(好きっていいなよ。)’”. He debuted in an international production in Season 2 of the drama ”THE HEAD”, which is available on Hulu.
Since his debut in 2011, Mr.Sota Fukushi has played a wide range of roles in various films and popular TV dramas. He is currently starring in Season 2 of the international drama series ‘THE HEAD,’ which is being distributed exclusively on Hulu. We asked him about the film’s attractions, his thoughts on his first international work, and his acting mindset.
I have not always been good at being in front of people, but when I was a high school student and stood on stage in a performance of the Double Touch club, I began to find it fun to be in front of people. This experience led me to my current job. I didn’t have a clear dream then, but I thought that as a student, I could take on challenges now without fear of failure, so I jumped into the world of actors.
I worked hard on my studies when I was a student. I particularly liked English because I was happy that my teacher praised my pronunciation in junior high school, which motivated me to study more. I still continue to study English by myself. When I was 20, I had an opportunity to speak with a foreigner, but I could not speak at all and felt I needed to improve my conversational skills. Since then, I have decided to study every day whenever I can find a free moment, such as when I am in the car.
The recommended way to study is to start with pronunciation. If you can pronounce it well, you look like an English speaker, which makes you feel great (laughs). As an actor, my job is to speak the lines I’m given, so I train especially with pronunciation in mind.
■ It is the same what to do even in international production
THE HEAD is my first attempt at an international production. It had always been a goal of mine, so when I heard about it, there was a lot of pressure, but I was more delighted than that. It has been a dream of mine to act in an overseas production since I started working as an actor, and it was a goal I wanted to achieve in my 20s, so I am glad I could do it. Also, I was pleased to have the opportunity to use the English I had worked so hard on.
All the filming was done in Spain. At first, I was worried about communication, but everyone was very kind to me and made me feel very comfortable. The cast came from all over the world, including Sweden, the UK, and France, so it was difficult to understand the language and cultural differences in their backgrounds. However, everyone was interested in Japan, and when I introduced them to Japanese culture, I was once again glad to be Japanese.
Also, even if the location changes, my feelings when creating my work are always the same. It is all about what I have learned and acquired so far. I want to make sure that I can fully demonstrate my abilities and create a good production, which has always been important to me. I believe that I am who I am now as a result of having faced each and every job seriously. I want to keep this attitude in the future.
■ Facing the ‘now’ moment
I played the role of Yuto, a brilliant engineer, in this production. When I thought about what kind of person Youto would be when playing this role, I imagined that he must type very fast if he is an engineer and good at computers. I watched videos of the typing world championships and studied how people type, and I was impressed by the way he warms his hands before touching the keyboard. I was conscious of this in production, so I want the audience to also pay attention to such details.
Youto is also a character who deals with problems calmly and tries to solve them. I feel that the way Yuto prepares carefully and challenges things is similar to my own character. In dramas and films, the same scenes are filmed repeatedly from multiple angles, so actors inevitably become used to the process as they film repeatedly. Therefore, I try not to lose the naturalness and reality of the scene, so I focus on the ‘now’ moment. During production, I forget everything and concentrate on the ‘now’. For this reason, we discuss and check the script many times in advance, read it thoroughly, and make careful preparations. The key to immersion is always feeling that ‘everything can only be solved by preparation’.
The most rewarding moments for me as an actor are when everything I do in life is applied to my job. Every day, you experience many things and interact with many people, which creates a wide range of emotions. I remember the hard and sad things I would generally like to forget and the mistakes I have made. By doing so, I can understand more about the role. When I am working, I can say to myself, “I know how this feels!” then I can feel happy that I have been able to make use of my experience.
■ Finding and developing what you want to do
Find your own core values and what you want to do while you are still a university student and develop them. I think it is essential to continue to do this. As you have a lot of free time, it is a time when you do not know what you should do.
At such times, spending time finding yourself and looking at yourself is essential. It’s also important to keep at it, but sometimes you have to be flexible and think about things from multiple perspectives to make your life more fulfilling.
翻訳担当:国際基督教大学1年 若生真衣
演员 福士苍太
1993年5月30日出生,出生于东京。在2011年至2012年播出的特拍电视剧《仮面ライダーフォーゼ》中担任主演,吸引了人们的视线。凭借电影《イン・ザ・ヒーロー》、《神さまの言うとおり》、《好きっていいなよ。》获得第38届日本奥斯卡最佳新人演员奖。通过Hulu正在播出的电视剧《THE HEAD》Season2出道海外作品。
福士苍太涉自2011年出道以来,活跃在众多电影和人气电视剧中,扮演了广泛的角色。目前正在出演正在Hulu独家播出的大型国际日日剧《The Head》Season2。记者询问了作品的看点和自己对海外作品的感想,以及作为演员的心态。
推荐的学习方法是从发音开始。如果发音好,就会看起来像会说英语的人,所以心情会变好(笑)。 因为我的职业是演员,所以我的工作就是说给定的台词,所以特别在意发音,进行训练。
《The HEAD》是第一次挑战海外作品。因为一直都是目标,所以听到这个话时,虽然也有压力,但比起那个,喜悦更大。出演海外作品是从开始从事演员工作开始的梦想。这也是想在20多岁年轻人中实现的目标,所以能实现真是太好了。能给我一个发挥我努力学习英语的机会,我感到非常高兴。
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